It’s Fear that Drives the Left’s Hate

Only two weeks ago I published, "The Genesis of Hate as a Religion in America" which was a synopsis of Ayn Rand's book of essays about what she called "the Age of Envy" as...

What Donald Trump Knows That You Should Think About The Next 7 Days

I spent several days in Atlanta last week, visiting family and getting a lay of the land about how a possible resistance movement might shape up should things go from bad to worse. I've...

Days of Infamy?

Are the days of infamy behind us? Or are they just beginning? When President Roosevelt addressed Congress on December 8th, 1941 he said December 7th would be forever remembered as a "day in infamy". But he...

A Note on the 1876 Brokered Presidency of Rutherford B Hayes

  Something we cannot afford to repeat in 2021. Some comparisons are being made to what might happen this week should several Members of Congress and Vice President Pence be able to put enough electoral votes...

History Part III, Abortion, Our First Leap into this New Reality that is now...

I can only issue a "damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't-warning" here. This is a continuation of on-going discussions about critical thinking (common sense) and a map of "How things work" by understanding Unified Theory as it applies to...