My wife and I stumbled across a 2001-2002 drama series on one of our movie networks. It was called “Nero Wolfe” by Rex Stout, a product of the A&E Network. Stout wrote detective novels between 1934 and 1975, mostly being…
Category: Film
The Ford Model T, Shoulders You All Stand On
Compliments of Safeshare.TV….all about the shoulders we stand on. And no, Germany, England nor France had a similar business model. Henry Ford build not just a car, but a process to build cars, so that his own workers could…
Word-Pictures of What Nazis Pretending to be Civilized Look and Sound Like
“The Stranger” was a 1946 post-war film noir vehicle about a Nazi SS mass murderer who had escaped to America, and of course, the War Crimes Commission was looking for him. Orson Welles directed it, and played the Nazi, who…
Christmas Movies with Legs
How many blockbuster films can you name that everyone went to see once, but not again?
The Nurses of Corregidor
We’ve all been to places that were “heavy’ not just with history, but the ghosts of men and women who have gone before us. I suppose the Alamo would have been such a heavy place at one time, and maybe…