It’s hard to keep the name of Oliver Cromwell out of what is happening right now in America, as even today English History both loves him and hates him…depending on who you’re reading. Thomas Macauley and Thomas Carlyle admired him,…
Category: 2018 Election
Repeat: “Fraud” is Not Required to Invalidate the 2020 Election In Any State
Much ado has been made about William Barr’s comments a few days ago that the DOJ had “not found evidence to suggest widespread voter fraud during the 2020 election”. Keys words there are “evidence”, “fraud” and the easily-spun term “widespread”,…
Da Mob, A Look at Democratic Party Election Practices—You Heard it Here First, Aug 4, 2018
(Rush Limbaugh has a habit of reminding listeners that he’d been the first to spot an issue, and then playback the sound byte. I called this attempted heist of the 2020 election fraud in August, 2018 and you can go…
“Crook” or “Liar”, Which Matters More to Voters?
The game here is to define the Democratic candidates with a single word, then sell that word to the approximately 30% of voters who still might be swayed. I’ll only discuss two right now, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren—first because…
Target: Not “the President” but “the Presidency”
The argument is often made that First Amendment protections means we can’t do anything about the Media. Well, yes and no. You see, the Media is a Thing, just as a corporation is a Thing, the FBI is a Thing.…