Our System of Federalism and the Mess it Sometimes Creates

The notion of federalism is that the Constitution grants the states the leeway to set up their own laboratories about governing that do not conflict with the rights it guarantee to the People, (Art...

What the Left does Much Better than We do…They Target their Enemies the Old...

It has always been this way. You attend a public meeting, say a school board, and you know the names of the board members and maybe a few people in the audience? But you never...

Why Sol Alinsky Knew How Things Work, and Why We Don’t Seem to Anymore

  This is a "How Should Things Work?" exercise built upon the body of evidence of How Things Work in reality. Saul Alinksky had to know "how things worked in America" in 1971 before he could...

Under Siege

If you don't already know it, we're under siege.

This “Effing Impeachment” by the “Effing Democrats”; a Dream Quest

Almost a year ago I posted a link to several music videos, with the idea of giving you something to sit back and dream of how citizens might exercise frontier justice on the enemies...