Bart Simpson be Damned, Twitter be Double-damned
I started out with a piece on applying logic to fact-finding from a by-gone historian's persective and ended up with this. I thought it was an easy subject.
Bias can distort any opinion. But it...
A Few Comments on Fear
"Give fear a chance."
As you know, over the years we've presented all sorts of suggestions as how people out there can select individuals in government, education, (students, teachers and professors alike), and media, all...
The Justified Bloody Lip
OK, it's time we brought this up.
In March 2016 I wrote about "The Justified Bloody Nose" because some old coot my age at a Trump rally cold-cocked a 20-year old paid bully sent there...
Battle of Athens (1946) Our only successful uprising since 1776
(I want to dedicate this film review to Lady Penguin and JadedByPolitics, old friends from the Obama days, and my early days of We didn't use the term "influencer" in 2006, but it...
Life in the Dark Alley…if you choose to go.
In the 1950's there was a television series called "I Led Three Lives", a true story of a man who lived as an average citizen, Communist Party member and counter spy for the FBI....