If Donald Trump Sent Out a Tweet Message Asking for a Reform Plan
(Yeah, I know DLT's not on Twitter...but play along with me here. There's actually a couple of people I know on Gettr I wish Trump would ask for advice...John Bolton not being one of...
Does God’s Covenant with Israel Extend to the United States?
"Does God's Covenant with Israel Extend to the United States?"
Every major election since the 1970's, when the winner or loser of the election might have made a difference in America's basic design and future,...
When Twilight Descends; America’s Struggle for Reality
"Every solution to a diagnosis begins with a unified theory"- Dr Gregory House
America proves there comes a time when even the best laid plan must march up to the abyss where it must then...
Revolution or Counter-Revolution? When two Revolutions Collide
When two revolutions collide, which takes precedence as the defending champion? And which is the contender?
Who are the true revolutionaries here? The socialist-fascist Marxists, who go by so many names and historically contradictory to...
Picking the Good Guys from the Bad Guys
The Natural Law of Who Chooses
This is partly another lecture on American Exceptionalism, for it is still unique to America and alien to the rest of the world.
But it's also a continuation of discussions...