(If you didn’t already know, Gen George McClellan was America’s first RINO, well, sort of…his timidity in battle almost costing us the Civil War in the early going, then, in 1864, running as a Democrat against Lincoln just to unseat…
Category: Elections
The Times They are A’Changin’, So, Do we Need to Change Party Names?
…just to avoid confusion between “classical”, “modern” and “new-and-improved” Republicans and Conservatives. I watched Peter, Paul & Mary sing this live in 1964 on the campus of the University of Kentucky. Of course, Bob Dylan wrote it, but I liked…
The Rolled up Newspaper, Time to Employ MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) Against Democrats
The Democrats have behaved in loco parentis for the Soviet Union since the USSR fell in 1991. Guardians of the tablets. And MAD was a part of those times. America has also had it’s own regional versions of MAD since…
Forensic Poll-watching
The Polling Place should be looked at as an active crime scene by poll-watchers.
Who WILL Vote for Obama in 2012? Seriously?
Obama has suppressed at least 20%-30% of his expected vote and he cannot seduce even a fraction of new replacements.