2020 election, American Exceptionalism, Conservatism, Dark Alley, Deep state, Democrat PaRTY, Dona;ld Trump, Republican Party Establishment

“Going After….” -A Commentary about Laws of War and Laws of Civil Society

Some fellow who apparently lost a city council race in Canada said after our Senate vote to acquit Donald Trump: “PSA: Everyone MUST go after every single senator who voted “Not Guilty”. Go after EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THEIR LIVES”…

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American Exceptionalism, Conservatism, Democrat PaRTY, Elitism and Class, History, Millennials, Race and Culture, Religion, Republican Party Establishment, Socialism

The Genesis of “Hate as a Religion” in America

Every solution to a problem begins with a unified theory- Dr Gregory House Ayn Rand was an emigre-Russian intellectual who died in 1982 at the age of 77. She founded an extremely narrow philosophy called “Objectivism” which you can look…

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2020 election, American Exceptionalism, Bureaucrcy, China, Constitution, Deep state, Democrat PaRTY, Dona;ld Trump, Globalism, History, Media, Religion, Republican Party Establishment, Socialism, Voter Fraud

A Letter to a Few Patriots in Congress

Dear Jim: Happy Christmas! Many Blessings on your House. Always Remember that the solution to any condition begins with a unified theory. Then remember that throughout History the primary struggle has always been between Man’s innate desire to be free…

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