“Not-a-Sheila’s”, How to Think About Them

We used to call them "female impersonators". I think that's still politically correct today although you almost never hear it anymore. Everyone wants to sound either indignantly hip, or clinical, as if they were wearing...

The Doctrine of Liberty, The Original Republican Brand, Who Owns It?

I claim primacy for the GOP that is the older of the two, as well as the one that claims the greater chance of actually growing in size

Famous Soviet Russians I’ve Colluded With

The Russians and Democrats are not the same. I've actually known honorable Russians. In 1991 I met a man from the USSR named Valentin Suchkov. I was working with a Ukrainian trading company in Cincinnati,...

The Master Plan for America’s Mental Breakdown, Part IV

Having presented Parts I, II and III, I think we've established the reality of this "insanity" and that it is the mental disorder of cognitive dissonance...only it has been intentionally injected into America's youth,...

Famous Common People I Have Known, Mick Hensley

Another in a series about common people I wish you could have known. I was born in a small town of just over a thousand people. It was a company town that ran the length...