Right Now It’s the WHAT, Not the WHO in the Presidential Chase
Most of this was written prior to NY-26 vote yesterday, which only serves to accent media-Establishment post-election response today.
Bob Dylan wrote, "The times, they are a'changin..."
Watch for the media, the Washington establishment, and that...
Just How do We Sort Out This National-Divorce Talk? A Warning
In February, (2023), Congressional member Marjorie Taylor Greene called for a "National Divorce." Actually, one has been evolving for several years now.
The first thing to consider about "national divorces" is that they're almost never...
Gear up! 2022-2024… Reading the Left’s Game Plan
If you'll recall the four-hour delay on election night, 2016, when many key states shut down reporting, and the networks stopped calling winners, the fact simply was that the Democrats, after 8 years of...
Growing New Red Voters, a Free Plan for GOP Candidates
The largest unregistered voting bloc in America, (next to illegals) are 18-25 year-old males with a high school diploma.
In The Hills of Shiloh
One of the main reasons this VassarBushmill.com site is even here is to connect America and its political framework to natural law and the covenant God struck with Abraham about 2000 years before Christ....