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Saul Alinsky’s Doctrine: 8 steps to topple a nation

Below are Saul Alinsky’s Eight Steps.

Think of these as “fronts” in a war; Western front, Eastern front.  These are all the fronts the Enemies of the United States have set up and been fighting for at least the past 50 years—

—all on your front steps and at your front door.

You simply don’t have time to sit and complain about how the elected officials you trusted have let you down.

There are hundreds of way you can send them all a message every day that you have taken these issues in hand and will be doing something about daily, and not just the next election day.


1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).

6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.


You simply don’t have time to sit around and complain.

19 thoughts on “Saul Alinsky’s Doctrine: 8 steps to topple a nation

  1. It seems you are mistaken. These “rules” are not attributed to Alinsky. No web results prior to 2016 can be found.

    From https://www.oc-breeze.com/2020/05/24/182305_book-discussion-saul-alinskys-rules-for-radicals-part-1-introduction/

    from the comments section:

    “My name is Ralph Benko. Greetings from DC. I’m a former deputy general counsel in the Reagan White House, My conservative credentials are widely respected. (Google me.)
    I am intimately familiar with the life and work of Saul Alinsky, who I never met but greatly admire. I do know David Alinsky (who doesn’t like me very much).
    David is far to my left. Unlike his father.
    Saul Alinsky made it clear more times than I can count, including in Rules for Radicals, that he hated Big Government. There is zero evidence that he was a socialist. The FBI exonerated him from false charges that he was sympathetic to communism.
    Alinsky NEVER said there were eight levels to gaining socialist control of a nation. He never said that “Number one” on his list was healthcare.
    This is just fake news. Don’t fall for it.
    I’ve researched Alinsky’s life and writings and found zero evidence that he believed that if government controls healthcare it can control people. He was passionate in his propounding that the people should control the government, not vice versa. He said and wrote this many times and lived by that creed.
    Hillary Rodham (later Clinton) wrote her undergraduate master’s thesis on Alinsky. She admired but rejected him. Alinsky was on the side of the people. Hillary coveted insider status. And got it. She made her choice. It wasn’t Alinsky.
    Obama never met Saul Alinsky (who died while he was a child) but spent a weekend with one of Saul’s successors at the Industrial Areas Foundation (whom I interviewed and have written about). Per Saul’s successor Obama rejected Alinsky too.
    Both Hillary Rodham and Barack Obama believed they should go into the system rather than organizing citizens to pressure it from outside. Which is what Saul Alinsky prescribed.
    I am a well known archconservative, a hardened anticommunist Cold War veteran, and an arch-nemesis of progressives and socialists, and, yes, of communists. I played a small role in bringing down the USSR, and am proud to have played any role at all.
    You have Saul Alinsky all wrong. He was an anti-big-government pro-liberty guy who has been latched onto and appropriated by the left.
    Yes, he was a provocateur, a provocateur for “liberty and justice for all” to which we have all pledged allegiance, fighting racial injustice.
    That’s a cause that all Conservatives can support.
    Saul Alinsky was no socialist. The evidence is conclusive.
    Spread the word!
    Kind regards,
    Ralph Benko
    The Capitalist League
    Washington, DC”

    1. Well presented. Being a Christian, I’m content to allow God to sort out who Saul Alinsky really was. I too am an old Cold Warrior, Army lawyer, corporate manufacturer, and lucky enough to have spent a great deal of time in the old USSR as it fell, ’91-’92, especially where the current war is taking place. The most honorable man I ever knew there was a member of the Soviet Central Committee, https://www.vassarbushmills.com/2017/11/22/famous-soviet-russians-ive-colluded-with/ in Gorkiy, a real CINO, making your case for Alinsky’s internal star chart certainly believable. I spent 20 years in the old Soviet Bloc (the Balkans after becoming personna non grata to members of Ukraine’s “non-extistent” cartels, simply called mafia in those days). I certainly believe much of what Alinsky seemed to believe, from your letter, is having a positive effect on the masses’ attitudes about “liberty”, now that it is clear the State wishes to deprive them of it.- Thanks

    2. I’m not sure you understand that this is in his actual book that he actually wrote called “Rules for Radicals”.

      But I digress…

    3. You are LYING!
      Hillary idolized Saul Alinski
      He Litterally discipled her while she was in college.
      You are just another leftist propagandist,
      lying on behalf of the Clintons & Saul Alinski.
      I’m surprised you didn’t add to your narrative
      that none of Hillary‘s associates had ever died of mysterious murders that were ruled suicides.

    1. Thanks, Cliff. And right you are. Alinsky did say most of those things, but since he died so long ago I’m sure his name’s been taken in vain often.

  2. Whether someone said it or not, it just takes common sense and eyes to know that these 8 steps are accurate and already in effect. There is already a cure for cancer but the elite don’t want it practiced or revealed. Reducing the population through cancer, GMOs, abortion, race wars is necessary in destroying a nation. Christianity is quickly being chipped away and replaced with bad sexual learned behavior ideology. The school shootings are done intentionally to sway favor in taking away gun rights. Law abiding citizens will give up guns while criminals will not. We will self destruct with rape and violence. That will make it easier for China to step in and mop up the ones left alive.

    1. I think you’re spot on there, Mark, although I don’t think the picture is as dark as you suggest. Therer are just too many of my generation around who know about the proper use of bloody noses. I’m still very optimistic…but it will be an argument that is won, but only that these radicals will have to crawl back in their holes. The good news is, as in the animal kingdom, they won’t be able to grow their numbers by persuasion. Nature will die them out.

    1. Very nice of you to add the “cultural suicide” information. I wasn’t as up to snuff as you are, but agree there is a grave survival warning embedded in their conduct.
      Thank you again.

  3. It was always my understanding that Saul intended the rules as a prediction. When it happens, (now), this is the way in which it would happen. He was, is, right.

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