What sticks out about the parade of talking heads and the “take a knee” movement in the NFL is their age. And their high-jacking the term “racism”. You see, the central “take a knee” issue in the NFL issue is all…
Tag: Racism
Science Points the Way to Antifa’s Achilles Heel
There is more than one level to Antifa activists. Many are for-hire initiates who join the ranks to vicariously sate their appetites, much like screaming girls on the rope line at a Beatles event, “groupies”, while a few more-experienced shock troops, with a few campaigns under their belts are…
Van Jones, Another Lawn Jockey for White Gods and Goddesses
I’ve said before, America’s greatest sin was not slavery, but what the United States government and the Democrat Party, with meek complicity of the Republican Party since the death of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, has been the intentional imprisonment…
Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow up to be Hoodies
(First written in 2012 while George Zimmerman awaited trial) Dr Thomas Sowell used Geraldo Rivera, of all people, to restate a practical, need-to-know law of survival that has nothing to do with any legal right to walk the streets as…