The Federal District of Detroitia

(Columbia is a feminine form of "Columbus", FYI) I'll try to be brief and avoid the snark, but this is an idea whose time has come and could be a winning plank in the Republican campaign...

A Brief Natural History of Historians; Telling a Horse from a Mule

While people are being hornswoggled about the good intentions of journalists, they also should consider similar intentions of some historians. You see, there are the historians who report insights and facts about the past, and there are the journalists who then bake...

Outlining “The Battle of Algiers” for 2020 Realities

This will be a short training outline of the film "The Battle of Algiers" which I offered here a few days ago. It should also open your eyes to some modern beliefs about Islam...

Deplorables, The Return of the Taught

Among the Baby Boomer generation, there must be two (2) major missions we agree to undertake before we pass out of sight. We are all that remains of "the taught", so practically speaking we have...

The Battle of Algiers (1966)- A Road Map

This Is a film, not a documentary, and not a single drop of documentary news reel is involved, yet, most people when they see it, think that it is. Watch this film and Study this...