The Satan Chronicles, an Invitation
Over at Unwashed Philosophy (a creation of "Haystack", one of the early behind-the-curtain tech-guys at RedState and now living a contemplative monk's existence in an aerie in New England) I was invited to do a series...
Teaching History to C-Students, not just A-Students; a Note to Conservatives
Yesterday I saw a tweet by Mark Levin, plugging an August 19, 2019 article at The Federalist by Josh Lawson, "8 Back-to-School Books to Protect Students from Leftist Brainwashing". Other than throwing in an updated version of...
American Theology and “The Patriots History of the United States”
There is an American theology and has always has been. And some very fine historians have chronicled it. Samuel Eliot Morison covered the years of my education in the 1960s. American History and Government...
Crime Syndicate; How China and Russias Bought off the Washington Establishment
My background for this observation is 30+ years with China, the Far East, including the last days of the Soviet Union in both Russia and Ukraine in 1991-1992 and finally the mostly Balkans through 2009. This is a book...
Revolution or Counter-Revolution? When two Revolutions Collide
When two revolutions collide, which takes precedence as the defending champion? And which is the contender?
Who are the true revolutionaries here? The socialist-fascist Marxists, who go by so many names and historically contradictory to...