In 2010 I began thinking about what a million-citizen March on Congress might look like, if citizens without gawky hats might actually want to scare the bejeezus out of those people found there. No trash, no foul language, no shooting moons, or pornographic placards…

… just a mean look in our eyes.

And no warning, an idea given to me from an old friend, RoguePolitics, who has now gone onto serious politics.

Wouldn’t that be nice if it weren’t announced? Rogue told us how it could be done, maybe a thousand cars suddenly parked in the road and along the side of the road, at least 10-15 deep stopping all traffic coming into the District. Drivers just park their cars, lock them and then walk to where there will be waiting busses.

The marchers will be picked up by fleets of busses to drive them the those last few miles, off-loading still a half mile away where they can then march on the city, with this music still in their heads,

This isn’t about the logistics, which is doable, by the way. I’m just writing about the kind of face we want to put on, and what sort of music people would need to have their jaws set the proper way, on that last slow drive to the staging area.

Should that million be thinking snappy tunes like “Yankee Doddle” or more sober songs like “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” or a dirge like the Slaves Chorus from “Nabucco”/Song of Liberty, (included below)?

Should people look like they were walking their favorite coon dog out to the woods to put him down because he was old, going blind and could no longer eat.

I knew a man to do that one time. I wasn’t there, but I knew what he would say, thanking Ol’ Biff for all the good years. Best friend he ever had. He’d bury him (proper) in the throw rug he always slept on, then he’d walk back home and sit on the steps and whittle until night fell, never saying a word. Pards

But there was also a look from “Hud”, a 1963 Paul Newman film where the ranch’s entire cattle herd came down with hoof and mouth and the feds ordered them put down. They drove them into a large corral and the ranch hands all sat on the rail fences with rifles until they’d killed them all.

Those faces told it all.

The cameras did close-ups of the shooters, grim faces with a look that was neither anger nor sadness, and certainly not of sport, but of the stern resolve, jutted chins and grinding teeth of men doing a horrible thing they didn’t want to have to do, only they did.

Americans have watched many hangings, but unlike the French, they never cheer.

Personally, I like music that fits that mood, and we have here.

Especially since Congress hasn’t been pards with any American for a century, at least my three-quarters of it, so there isn’t much to reminisce and get all teary-eyed with about watching Congress quake in its boots.

They need to see this jutted chin of resolve on the American people. As I’ve said before, we need to give fear a chance by conveying to Congress just how we feel.

With that in mind, I’ve provided a small selection of musical pieces for your pleasure.

The Big County, by Jerome Moross (1958)

The Magnificent Seven by Elmer Bernstein (1960)


Villa Rides- Maurice Jarre (1968)

The Professionals, Maurice Jarre, (1967), made famous by my hitchhiking to Mexico to find the fair Lt Chiquita at 


Last of the Mohican: Title Theme- Trevor Jones (1992)

The Last of The Mohicans Theme – Main Theme – YouTube

Last of the Mohicans, Chase on the Promontory (film)

Arrival, ABBA, 1972   (no, really, Abba)

Sacco and Vanzetti, Ennio Morricone (1971)

Como Maddalena, Ennio Morricone (1971)

Lonesome Dove

1492, The Conquest of Paradise, Vangelis, 1992

The Song of Liberty from Verdi’s Slave Chorus from Nabucco, transcribed for Nana Mouskouri

And if things go really bad, and we find ourselves surrounded

Send Me, Isaiah, Chapter 6 from Fury

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