Wanted Posters, the new Dark Alley Strategy Against ANTIFA and BLM

How did I miss this five years ago? We've been writing "dark alley" posts for several years now, telling readers they can blight the path of the Left; in government, in education, colleges and university. Our rule was just...

If It Sneaks in the Night like a Raid, and Targets Like a Raid

It's a raid. Dammit. And not a war. A raid is designed to achieve a limited objective. Raids are not impetuous, born of anger or moral indignation...so no, Ivanka seeing children dead from gas did not...

Columbine and Parkland, the Common Thread

I'm not a student of school shootings, except to take note of the shooters, many of whom, from Virginia Tech to Sandy Hook in Connecticut to even Dylan Roof in South Carolina, were mentally...

The Hunt for Red Rino’s

It begins. Democrat Senate Democrats have launched what will be known as its search for Red Rino's to wreck Donald Trump's promises to the American voters. (Yes, I know Democrats are blue, not red, but I'm an...

In Celebration of the Neocons

In 2004, awaiting a vote in the newly liberated Iraq, their first democratic vote ever, I wrote my first published essay, "Prospects for Democracy in the Middle East", a 5500 word opus, and a pro-Iraq...