“I Hope I Get a Good Mafia”

That was actually said in the early days of the crumbling Soviet Union. The speaker was a young man from the Caucasus who had staked out a street corner in Moscow where he planned to set up a kiosk...

Earth Day, April 22, 1970, Russia’s Biggest Hoax, Remembered

vassar / April 22, 2019 (Written years ago, this used to be an annual celebration of Leftist cupidity, but now it's getting serious, especially on the Religion front. I think they're willing...

Common Cause

Q: Has America had any enemy or antagonist since W0rld War II which the Democratic Party has NOT made common cause with? To make "Common cause" generally means “to unite one's interest with another's” and...

Earth Day, April 22, 1970, the Biggest Hoax Russia Ever Perpetrated on America

(This is an annual reprise.) For what it's worth, Earth Day, is "celebrated" (or "honored", you can't always tell) every April 22nd. But it's not an official American holiday, the president at the time having...

Oligarchs, Toward a Working Definition Inside the Deep State

Steve Bannon recently referred to Michael Bloomberg as an "oligarch", which I believe is a fair extension of the term, since it has been used selectively in the media to a more narrow club membership, as if Russian...