Putting the #NeverTrump Syndrome on the Couch
On closer inspection, it appears that NeverTrumpism is more than just a vanity built on elitism and status protection. It's not unlike that choice between comfort and gut-check with My Generation, when our best and brightest came to its...
The Missing “Buckley-Factor” in Publius Decius Mus’ Historic Essay
If you haven't heard, a fellow (I assume) named Publius Decius Mus penned an anonymous, 10-page essay at the Claremont College website, entitled the "Flight 93 Election" It's a near-masterpiece, even historic. While I...
It Seems Black Voters are Hiding From Fox News Pollsters In the Same Places...
In plain sight
As Donald Trump gave a rousing speech to black churchgoers in Detroit, where blacks are known to sit on their hands if they don't like a candidate, a timed Fox News Poll ...
Seriously, Do the Russians Really Prefer Donald Trump as Our Next President?
Everyone remembers Obama's accidental open-mic comment to Russian President Medvedev in March, 2012, that permanently established his place as Vladimir Putin's Number Onbe patsy.
Hold this image.
So, today, we're being treated with several hints, from...
Vain Men’s Thirst for Kings
(Timely, and unedited from a 2010 essay at RedState.com. Since then, they've changed, I haven't.)
A caution to the non-religious:
In what follows I use religious references from the Old Testament. They are intended as metaphors,...