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Now We Are 162

Three weeks ago 19 US senators climbed a hill and put their swords in the ground, declaring that promontory for conservatism, holding it for others still to come.


Two days ago, 144 (that’s right, 144) Republican congressmen and women climbed that same hill, staking out a flag that will be seen by all of us for many weeks and months to come.


While representing only 40% of the Republicans in the Senate, the significance of those first 19 in the Senate, which we reported on then, has become reality, for in the debt ceiling surrender this weekend, they were joined by a full 62% of the Republicans in the House of Representatives.

That’s right, 62%, and yes, I know, you’re scratching your head “How did we lose then?” but the answer to that will play itself out in coming weeks.

But today, Rejoice Dear Hearts! for this was a victory for conservatism. This is the story the media missed, and will continue to miss as long as any other story they can concoct, e.g., the Immigration debate, can be placed center-stage, or if Putin wins a second Person-of-the-Year award at Time Magazine in December.

The real news is that conservatives control 59% of the entire GOP in Congress, and while there will be some ebb and flow in that number in coming weeks and months, it will be likely to grow without any help from us, thanks to both Obama and Obamacare. He is, after all, incompetent, so can’t help it.

So, the real story is what those 144 Republicans are going to do in coming weeks, not what John Boehner is going to do in coming weeks. The real story is whether they will even let John Boehner keep his job. Or at what price? The real story is, once this reality sinks in, how many of the 87 who crossed over to vote with Democrats on the McConnell-Reid knee-pads-across-the-aisle compromise, will cross over a second time? Since most aren’t RINOs, just followers of the herd, not likely. Most will follow power as it slips from one wing of the party to the other.

And to be fair, there were many reasons, even good ones, why many of those 87 voted Yes instead of No, or why Portman of Ohio and Deb Fischer of Nebraska crossed back over in the Senate.

They may have good reasons. And they will get other chances to prove it. But what they will have to do the 144 will not, is go back home and have to explain their vote to their constituents. Maybe even twice. Then pity virtually every poor Democrat who will have to do this as well, for very few of them are safe either, thanks to Obamacare.


Now we have leaders. Now we have leadership. And our flag has been planted. We have a real Liberty Caucus, although a better name can be found. But please, just not “Tea Party,” if for no other reason than to confound the media, who are none too bright about catching hold of old concepts when wrapped up in new nomenclature. (They still haven’t figured the word “default” out, although, in their defense, it does involve math.) Pilgrim suggests Band of Brothers (and Sisters) which is a capital idea to me, for the media will think they’re speaking of an old HBO series or a new music group on Broadway. Or Cruz, or Lee, or Hensarling, or Gohmert can simply step forward and say “Me and the boys and girls were thinking…”, leaving the air pregnant with just who “me and the boys” are.

Between the option of dumping Boehner or holding onto him, only in thrall, I favor the former, only because I lived near his district in Ohio, and remember him from the Contract With America days. On that basis I defended him for the first two years. But he;s changed. He no longer has the fire in his belly. And hasn’t for a long time. I feel jilted.

As for Eric Cantor, I don’t see him as a choirmaster in any new House leadership. Let him go. I like Hensarling and Gohmert, Sessions, Sensenbrenner, and others, with an added nod to Louis Gohmert only because it would put Senator McCain at such an ackward position having to recognize such a vacant moron as the new Speaker, simply because Gohmert had accurately pointed out McCain’s own mental lapse for hanging out with Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria. And being caught at it.


Duh, John.

But in the end, the 144 in the House know who can best lead them.

So, all in all, Dear Hearts, it’s been a good week.


Just don’t follow the false leads the media will provide for you. While generally mendacious, they probably are as innocent as they are ignorant about the truem meaning of The 162. They will stick a microphone under Ted Cruz & Company’s nose every time he asks for one, thinking they are providing comic relief for MSNBC, CNN, AP, Reuters, et al, and voters in the northeast and left coast, while in fact they will be providing 80% of the rest of America with a fee-free conservative pep rally.

So leave them to their jest.

THE ROLE CALL of The 162 (H/T Pilgrim)

   Sen. Jeff Sessions
   Sen. Richard Shelby
AL 2nd   Martha Roby   
AL 3rd   Mike Rogers   
AL 4th   Robert Aderholt   
AL 5th   Mo Brooks   

AZ 4th   Paul Gosar   
AZ 5th   Matt Salmon   
AZ 6th   David Schweikert   
AZ 8th   Trent Franks   

CA 1st   Doug LaMalfa   
CA 4th   Tom McClintock   
CA 10th   Jeff Denham   
CA 39th   Ed Royce   
CA 45th   John Campbell   
CA 48th   Dana Rohrabacher   
CA 50th   Duncan Hunter   

CO 5th   Doug Lamborn

   Sen. Marco Rubio   
FL 1st   Jeff Miller   
FL 2nd   Steve Southerland   
FL 3rd   Ted Yoho   
FL 6th   Ron DeSantis   
FL 7th   John Mica   
FL 8th   Bill Posey   
FL 11th   Richard Nugent   
FL 15th   Dennis Ross   
FL 17th   Thomas Rooney   
FL 19th   Trey Radel

GA 1st   Jack Kingston   
GA 3rd   Lynn Westmoreland 
GA 6th   Tom Price   
GA 7th   Rob Woodall   
GA 8th   Austin Scott  
GA 9th   Doug Collins   
GA 10th   Paul Broun   
GA 11th   Phil Gingrey   
GA 14th   Tom Graves   

   Sen. Chuck Grassley
IA 4th   Steve King

   Sen. Michael Crapo
     Sen. James Risch
ID 1st   Raúl Labrador

IL 14th   Randy Hultgren

IN 2nd   Jackie Walorski   
IN 3rd   Marlin Stutzman  
IN 4th   Todd Rokita   
IN 6th   Luke Messer   
IN 8th   Larry Bucshon

   Sen. Pat Roberts   
KS 1st   Tim Huelskamp   
KS 3rd   Kevin Yoder   
KS 4th   Mike Pompeo

   Sen. Rand Paul
KY 4th   Thomas Massie   
KY 6th   Andy Barr

   Sen. David Vitter   
LA 1st   Steve Scalise   
LA 4th   John Fleming   
LA 6th   Bill Cassidy

MD 1st   Andy Harris

MI 2nd   Bill Huizenga   
MI 3rd   Justin Amash   
MI 7th   Tim Walberg   
MI 10th   Candice Miller   
MI 11th   Kerry Bentivolio

MN 6th   Michele Bachmann

MO 2nd   Ann Wagner   
MO 3rd   Blaine Luetkemeyer 
MO 4th   Vicky Hartzler   
MO 6th   Sam Graves   
MO 7th   Billy Long   
MO 8th   Jason Smith

MS 1st   Alan Nunnelee   
MS 4th   Steven Palazzo

North Carolina   
NC 2nd   Renee Ellmers   
NC 3rd   Walter Jones   
NC 5th   Virginia Foxx   
NC 8th   Richard Hudson   
NC 11th   Mark Meadows   
NC 13th   George Holding

New Jersey   
NJ 5th   Scott Garrett

New Mexico   
NM 2nd   Steve Pearce

   Sen. Dean Heller   
NV 2nd   Mark Amodei

New York   
NY 23rd   Tom Reed   
NY 27th   Chris Collins

OH 1st   Steve Chabot   
OH 2nd 
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Brad Wenstrup OH 4th Jim Jordan OH 5th Robert Latta OH 6th Bill Johnson OH 7th Bob Gibbs OH 10th Michael Turner OH 16th James Renacci Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn OK 1st Jim Bridenstine OK 2nd Markwayne Mullin OK 3rd Frank Lucas OK 5th James Lankford Oregon OR 2nd Greg Walden Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey PA 4th Scott Perry PA 10th Tom Marino PA 12th Keith Rothfus PA 16th Joseph Pitts South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott SC 1st Mark Sanford SC 2nd Joe Wilson SC 3rd Jeff Duncan SC 4th Trey Gowdy SC 5th Mick Mulvaney SC 7th Tom Rice South Dakota SD-at Large Kristi Noem Tennessee TN 1st Phil Roe TN 2nd John Duncan TN 3rd Chuck Fleischmann TN 4th Scott DesJarlais TN 6th Diane Black TN 7th Marsha Blackburn TN 8th Stephen Fincher Texas Sen. Ted cruz Sen. John Cornyn TX 1st Louie Gohmert TX 2nd Ted Poe TX 3rd Sam Johnson TX 4th Ralph Hall TX 5th Jeb Hensarling TX 6th Joe Barton TX 7th John Culberson TX 8th Kevin Brady TX 10th Michael McCaul TX 11th Michael Conaway TX 12th Kay Granger TX 13th Mac Thornberry TX 14th Randy Weber TX 17th Bill Flores TX 19th Randy Neugebauer TX 21st Lamar Smith TX 22nd Pete Olson TX 24th Kenny Marchant TX 25th Roger Williams TX 26th Michael Burgess TX 27th Blake Farenthold TX 31st John Carter TX 32nd Pete Sessions TX 36th Steve Stockman Utah Sen. Mike Lee UT 1st Rob Bishop UT 2nd Chris Stewart UT 3rd Jason Chaffetz Virginia VA 4th Randy Forbes VA 5th Robert Hurt VA 6th Bob Goodlatte VA 9th Morgan Griffith Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson WI 1st Paul Ryan WI 5th James Sensenbrenner WI 6th Tom Petri WI 7th Sean Duffy Wyoming Sen. Michael Enzi WY Cynthia Lummis
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