You don’t have to look far to find a lot of fine internet sites who have become homes for ardent anti-Donald Trump sentiment. Some are even paid to be this way, which sort of takes the luster off of being a…
Tag: Ted Cruz
The Most Important Truth About Donald Trump
…is that almost everything said about Donald Trump is actually about something else. Several weeks ago I began what turned out to be a series on Donald Trump, when I suggested that Ted Cruz should let Donald Trump go first, if for no other…
Ted, Can You Fire Half a Million Federal Employees?
Will you know how? Or how long it will take? Will the Congress support you? Will the people, once confronted with just what it actually means to “reduce the size of government”? I spoke with Herman Cain in 2011 and…
A Trump-Cruz Slate, Why Donald Trump Should Go First
Excuse me if I’m repeating myself, but I hold to my position that it isn’t just important to win the 2016 election, but the next eight elections, as well. That’s right, 32 years minimum, and Ted Cruz is exactly the sort of man…
The Mob Next Time?
“The Lord said a fire, not a flood next time” (from an old Negro spiritual) I first wrote about this in 2013, but it needs updating. You see, the Quickening is upon us. I’m not Ann Coulter’s biggest fan. We’re separated by 20…