Two Simple Answers to the Timing of the Comey Firing

No 1: The first is a simple equation of process, doing things by the book, for which Donald Trump would have been double-damned had he violated in the manner of how, and when he fired FBI...

After Hitler: Is Europe Returning to Type?

"After Hitler" is a 2-part video documentary series about Europe in the five years immediately following World War II, 1945-1949. Each episode is roughly 43 minutes and was produced in 2016 but has the unmistakable...

Earth Day, April 22, 1970, the Biggest Hoax Russia Ever Perpetrated on America

(This is an annual reprise.) For what it's worth, Earth Day, is "celebrated" (or "honored", you can't always tell) every April 22nd. But it's not an official American holiday, the president at the time having...

If It Sneaks in the Night like a Raid, and Targets Like a Raid

It's a raid. Dammit. And not a war. A raid is designed to achieve a limited objective. Raids are not impetuous, born of anger or moral no, Ivanka seeing children dead from gas did not...

On Fascism

After several years, I'm still looking for a working definition of "middle class" from the Left and the Democrat Party that even remotely resembles the American private sector definition, as we reshaped it over...