Planned Parenthood Draws Clear Line Between Pro-Choice and Pro-Abortion

Planned Parenthood is only in the middle of its Jump the Shark moment, as this story will keep getting bigger and bigger, thanks to hundreds of Americans like our JadedbyPolitics and .LadyImpactOhio, who won't...

Ecce, Homo!… Ecce Impostor!

"Behold, the Man!" (Ecce, Homo!), Pontius Pilate, just before he handed Christ over to the mob. (John 19:5)

Slut-gate – Should There Be a National Debate Over Public Morality?

The answer: A Resounding "Yes" and we called for it first.

Who are the Middle Class? A Teaching

"Middle class" is another one of those terms that has been stolen and remolded to suit a multitude of purposes. And it is the lynchpin of the Obama's class warfare campaign this year.

The New Commission, Toward a Moral Society All Over Again

In Matthew 28, Christ told his disciples to go and teach the Word to all the nations. (Mt 28:16-10). That was Christ's commission