There was a great line spoken by Lee Marvin in “The Professionals” (1966): “Some women have the ability to turn boys into men, while other women have the ability to turn some other men into boys”. Note the date, 1966, because…
Tag: conservatism
Defining Conservatism Back to Reality
GK Chesterton, writing about English Progressives and Conservatives, wrote in 1924: The business of progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of conservatives is to prevent those mistakes being corrected. Even if the revolutionist might repent of his…
Does Anyone Actually Teach Conservatism Anymore?
The miracle of the Founding Fathers was not the Constitution so much that they created a document of self governance for people not of their class, and gave it away freely, no strings attached. It was a gift!—but only, as…
Donald Trump and the People, a Reprise
(A chapter from my Kindle book at, Donald Trump, the Common Man and the American Theology of Liberty, covering only his campaign through the election, but a unique analysis of Trump’s relationship with the people, especially those no one…
Donald Trump and the People’s Existential Threat
This is an update on a theme I raised in February 2016, “Donald Trump and the People” as I think the people see their existential threat more clearly now than they did seven months ago. In that article I tried to…