A Letter to a Few Patriots in Congress

Dear Jim: Happy Christmas! Many Blessings on your House. Always Remember that the solution to any condition begins with a unified theory. Then remember that throughout History the primary struggle has always been between Man's innate desire...

My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys

Not politicians But I'd like to put my finger on that trigger once again And point that gun at all the prideful men All the voyeurs and the lawyers who can pull a fountain pen And put you...

Picking the Good Guys from the Bad Guys

The Natural Law of Who Chooses This is partly another lecture on American Exceptionalism, for it is still unique to America and alien to the rest of the world. But it's also a continuation of discussions...

History Part III, Abortion, Our First Leap into this New Reality that is now...

I can only issue a "damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't-warning" here. This is a continuation of on-going discussions about critical thinking (common sense) and a map of "How things work" by understanding Unified Theory as it applies to...

People v People of the United States, the Media’s Grand Jury Case Against America

District attorneys now have so much influence on grand juries that "by and large" they could get them to "indict a ham sandwich." -Sol Wachtler, Chief Judge of New York State, 1985 The Grand Jury A...