Betraying a Nation, a simple expression consisting of a mere six syllables, will take many thousands of words to describe, explain, and put into context as it relates to modern America. It’s going to require research, study, and reflection. Overlaying…
Author: haystack
Betraying A Nation: Introduction
The end of the year 2023 is days away, and not long after 2024 begins, the American Nation and all the people of which she is comprised will begin anew the process of tearing itself into little pieces along ideological…
Sobering thought… from Sept 29, 1959 and Nikita Kruschchev
From a friend in Maryland and tech friend in New England FROM 1959! This is important to hear, especially in light of the clear intention of the American Left to make these prophecies bear out
A Teachable Moment On Electoral Freedom And Independence, Courtesy Tulsi Gabbard
Let me begin by assuring readers that this is not a puff piece on Tulsi Gabbard; she is a liberal, and I am a conservative, and in matters of politics, there are very few things the two of us would…
Going On The Virtual “Road”
I am proud (and relieved, quite frankly) to announce that my contributing author “Vasa,” and I, have finally reached the end of a 10-month journey during which the two of us wrote a 65, 000-word novel. Suffice it to say…