(A recent revelation by Dinesh D’Souza that Barack Obama’s brother, George…still living in Kenya…in a hut…and featured in D’Souza’s new film 2016, called him last week instead of his brother, to ask for $1000 for a medical treatment for his son (Barack’s nephew) prompted me to revive this poll we conducted in 2009.)

This is a true poll result.

You all know St George Frederick. For a couple of years I could afford to keep him on my payroll, but he left for greener pastures shortly after he conducted this poll.

You will find St George’s poll detailed below. You can do this at home, with a clipboard or at a cocktail party, and you will come up with the same general results, although these findings will forever and a day be viewed by members of the polling trade as “anecdotal” and possibly reverse racist.

No matter.

St George conducted his survey entirely face to face; no emails, no phone calls, all man-in- the-street, no friends or acquaintances. It took over a month, in Spring of 2009.

He interviewed 300 people who were white and 300 people who were African-American. Sorry, no Indians, Latinos, Japanese, etc. This was a racial survey and St George profiled.

He visited hospitals, the county lock-up, the bus station, county government office buildings, random law offices, the VCU campus, several schools, small businesses and more saloons than I thought appropriate. He walked one suburban white neighborhood and one suburban black neighborhood, but didn’t knock on any doors, just talking to people in their yards.

He interviewed doctors (5), lawyers (9), school teachers (16), jail birds (6), OTR truck drivers (7), state-county office workers (22), private business clerical (19), business owners (13) middle managers (7), wage & hour workers (43), housewives (35) retired (23) lounge lizards (15), bar/restaurant hostesses at Hooters (4), AMTRAK-Greyhound passengers (19), airline passengers (25), airline employees (8), college students (26), …all told, 163 women, 137 men, 14 earning over $100K, 86 earning over $35K, 25 living on fixed income, 29 unemployed.

And he asked only 300 each. He didn’t cherry pick 300 out of 500 or anything like that.

Other than background (occupation status and salary range) he asked only one question:

If you won a million dollars in the lottery today, what would you do with the money?

That’s it.

He offered a piece of paper for those who wanted to write down a list.

Of the African-Americans questioned, 293 of 300 (97.7%) said they would give some of that money to family, and family was always one of the top four answers. Of the seven who did not mention family, 2 were lawyers, 2 were school teachers, and 3 were government workers.

Of the white people questioned, 266 of 300 (88.7%) said they would share their prize with family. Of the 34 who made no mention of family, 3 were lawyers, 3 were school teachers, 2 jail birds, 6 government workers, 5 wage & hour workers, 4 housewives, 4 train-bus passengers and 4 airline passengers and 3 college students.

While 88.7% is a commendable rate, even outstanding, it just doesn’t measure up to African-American standards, who have always been well known for generosity toward family, regardless of personal financial circumstances. This poll merely proves a long-known bit of Americana.

It would not be fair to say that Barack Obama is white by this measure, but he sure as hell isn’t African-American either. And from what I know of Africans in Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa (Soweto) neither is he African by any measure either. After all, his brother living on $20 a year went to extreme lengths to take care of his family.

But Obama does most closely resembles that 12% of the white population who tend to forget family most often, men and women who are miserly and stingy by disposition and profession, and who have accepted every kind deed in their own lives as as an obligation, as something owed. Barack Obama does most closely resemble that 12% of the rat b*****ds who comprise the leadership of the Democrat Party.

But the Mussolini chin? That’s definitely white.

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