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Obama’s True Feelings for the Working Middle Class, a 2010 Reminder

A few months ago Obama’s campaign let it be known that they had no intention of trying to win the white, working class vote. Many analysts believed it was because they didn’t think they were needed in Obama’s camp this year. Obama thought he could win with the “dependency” vote, who he’s worked hard to grow the past three years. After all, Obama had removed a couple of million of these working class guys from the working rolls and onto the food-stamp, public assistance, welfare rolls,. And history has shown they will usually settle into a life of semi-indolence, making a few bucks on the side selling stolen hubcaps at the flea market each weekend, while those relief checks come in as regular as clock work.

It’s a sweet gig for the unambitious and unproud, both prerequisites to be a part of the Democrat base.

In fact, only recently Obama lifted the “work” requirements for these checks, just to seal the deal. This way these men won’t even have to look for work, or train for new skills, sweetening the pot even more. The idea is to allow governors to lift the work requirement, filling their states’ coffers with new federal aid (the state rakes off about 50% of welfare money), thereby insuring (mostly Democrat) governors could add several thousands of permanent names to their state dependency rolls, at federal taxpayers’ expense, helping them get re-elected with a growing voter base of new dependents.

This was the plan.

But within only the past two weeks, the Obama campaign has reversed course, especially in swing states, where Obama is once again patronizing the simple, hard working folks of the middle class in radio ads. (I hear three-four of these a day in Virginia.)

Why the change?

Well, analysts can only speculate, but part of the reason must be that many of those laid off workers won’t quit looking for work, 1) keeping the unemployment rate high (by fairy magic, Obama’s unemployment numbers actually improve when they leave the workforce altogether…2 million so far) and 2) Obama knows that every job applicant is a likely No-vote come November.

But we can’t discount also that Obama’s people see his stature sinking among his own base, as I commented only Sunday, just WHO will vote for Obama? Seriously? That 69 million isn’t even close to being secure. Across the board his numbers are dropping in every demographic, except maybe the Sandra Fluke (Incontinentia Buttocks as she was known in ancient Rome), Planned Parenthood and Gay Marriage crowds, so that now Obama is having to spend an inordinate amount of money just trying to fortify groups he thought he had locked safely in the barn. He’s targeted the African-American and rank-and-file Labor vote especially; among his most recent outlandish lies Obama’s great-great-great Uncle Punch, on his mother’s side, being the “very first slave in America”, or the recent charge made by a worker laid-off by Romney’s successor at Bain Capital (and known Obama bundler). This man claimed  that Romney, who left Bain in 1999, killed his job (2003) and then his wife (2006).

Who believes this drivel? Clearly one can see the high IQs the Obama campaign imputes to its base, for no one with one above 100 can believes this.

How Obama Really feels about the Working Man

Now, business executives around the country are circulating an old video from June, 2010, about Obama’s crisis management.

Watch it (about 4 minutes).

The BP oil spill was Obama’s first public exposure to crisis management, and despite all the help by the media, he and his people were quickly tagged as inept and incompetent, far more than GW Bush and FEMA during Katrina.

But two years later, now that we’ve gotten to know Obama better, and thanks to the Keystone Pipeline, we know that at best Obama is indifferent to saving jobs or local economies if they’re in the private sector. We now know what Obama did and failed to do in Louisiana in 2010 was not due to incompetence but was intentional, sending a strong message to private sector blue collar workers.

Every working stiff in America, union and non-union alike, has to be made to know that they will only matter when they are useful to Obama. Otherwise, they are nothing.

So you union guys out there, back up to the pay window to pick up your paycheck, for it you think you earned it, you didn’t.

“You didn’t build that paycheck.”


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