The election of Donald Trump almost ten months ago proved, not suggested, but proved, the irrelevance of the mainstream media. I didn’t think we had to keep restating this and wish Rush Limbaugh would quit saying that their medicine is still…
Tag: Nancy Pelosi
Why is it Democrats Can Lie Better than the GOP Can Tell the Truth?
Watch this side-by-side of Lady Nan and John Boehner discussing their respective positions on “governance”, and grade it as an English teacher might an oral presentation. On points, Nancy won hands down…she spoke directly to the audience, and to the…
Should the Benghazi Hearings be for History or for Politics?
Trey Gowdy has been handed a choice, run the Benghazi hearings for History or for Politics. I vote for History. If he does well, the Politics will take care of itself. You have already read of the Democrats’ threat to boycott these hearings if they don’t…