Russia-Bad vs Ukraine-Bad, and the “I Can Train Monkeys to Make Underwear” thesis of...
Part 2
As I related in Part 1, I came to Kentucky by accident in 1979, thinking I was en route to Germany to work for my old boss from Japan, as an Army civilian...
One Ring to Rule Them All: The Government as the Principal Shareholder in the...
I've already noted in Part First that the demon seed of Royalism burns in all governments, going back to the pharaohs. To control others.
That's the natural (law) inclination of all governments. Knowing this simple,...
Is States Rights Back? A Return of America’s Lost Army
I'm not sure when American public schools began skimming over the first era of our history, 1787-1824, but I'm going to guess sometime after the Civil War, when the two-party system emerged as representing...
The Federal District of Detroitia
(Columbia is a feminine form of "Columbus", FYI)
I'll try to be brief and avoid the snark, but this is an idea whose time has come and could be a winning plank in the Republican campaign...
America’s Gutter Trash Move into the Big Leagues- Joe Biden
"Gutter Trash" is a term I heard all my life. It signified a person, most often a man (since women had their own names that you could identify with). As I got older, I always...