Sad Mamas

Postscript I watched a gathering of parents and children at my YMCA gym for their weekly 2-hour session teaching young 5-6 year olds how to handle and shoot a basketball. About 20 kids, all races,...

“One of These Day I’m Gonna Run This Construction Company!”

For those of you old enough, there was a beatnik comedian from the 60s named Brother Dave Gardner. He told a story about going to a construction site where he saw a fellow standing...

The Rifle, a Christmas Fable from 1881

(From a retired banker-friend. Stuff to read aloud to grandchildren.) Pa never had much compassion for the lazy or those who squandered their means and then never had enough for the necessities. But for those...

Nature has made all Her truths independent of one another. Our art makes one dependent of one another. This is not natural.----Blaise Pascal #21

Wit signals intelligence without nerdiness. Platitudes signal nerdiness without intelligence- Nassim Nicholas Talib