If I could draw from conservative Media members who could fill out real government functions in a new administration, I'd start with Tucker Carlson and Mollie Hemingway. They transcend the media craft.

Wyatt Earp’s Justifications for Killing off the Cowboys

"For my handling of the situation at Tombstone, I have no regrets. Were it to be done over again, I would do exactly as I did at that time. If the outlaws and their...

God’s Gonna Cut You Down- Johnny Cash

https://youtu.be/IStlBOX9F4o Nothing left to say

Where is Matt? After a Decade’s Slide into Darkness (Revised)

  Matt Harding was born in 1976, a Gen-Xer (1965-1980). That Generation is just as apt to cling to the old ways and standards of their parents (Baby Boomers, 1942-1964) as they are to become...

“Heaven for Climate, Hell for Society”, Hal Holbrook

  You'd have to watch a lot of Hal Holbrook's presentations to find the one quoted in the title. But I heard off an old LP from 40 years ago, and he was comparing the...