American Apologetics, Reverse Engineering History
God's fingerprints are all over America as it was founded. And other than the nastier DNA he'd injected into individual men thousands of years earlier, Satan was noticeable by his absence at America's founding. All...
The Parable of the Grannies
As I've mentioned in other contexts, I spent a lot of time in the USSR before it fell, and then both Russia and Ukraine, as well as the Soviet Empire, after it fell, from...
No Greater Love; Denying the Devil His Due
(A Memorial Day theme, cross-posted at, this is also one of the major themes of that entire site. Come show us some love.)
In the mid 90s, before I began traveling to the Soviet...
The Mask: Minding Other People’s Business
I finally got a haircut. On a Sunday. I started going there about a year ago after I’d closed my office so never drove by my old two-chair barber of 15 years anymore. This...
Does Anyone Actually Teach Conservatism Anymore?
The miracle of the Founding Fathers was not the Constitution so much that they created a document of self governance for people not of their class, and gave it away freely, no strings attached.