First Principles about America; First Questions

Is America an accident? A freak of Nature?  Or, is America the product of Intelligent Design? I don’t intend to try to answer the second half of that question here as that requires an inquiry into philosophy...

First Principles: First Impressions about America

Anyone, anywhere, who hears the name "America" already has a first impression about America; either positive or negative. It doesn't matter if he/she is 18 or 80, and located anywhere in the world. If abroad those...

How the Next Civil War May Take Shape; A Reprise of the 60s?

In the 1960s, 1) with an anti-war movement scripted, and even controlled more than we knew, straight from Moscow, 2) a civil rights movement that would be ensnared and redirected as soon as Dr...

We’re all ‘domestic terrorists’ now by David Kupelian

(From a friend, David Kupelian is a respected and award-winning journalist, who also writes for World Net Daily, which the MSM and Wikipedia consider "far-right" and "fringe", which means to most Americans who read...

To Pause and Reflect, The Fourth of July

As I've noted before I was born and raised in a company town. Coal mining. And every July 4th the mines shut down and the town gathered at our school football stadium, where half...