It’s up to us to make the political hay here.
Category: Religion
The New Commission, Toward a Moral Society All Over Again
In Matthew 28, Christ told his disciples to go and teach the Word to all the nations. (Mt 28:16-10). That was Christ’s commission
Lenin and the Symbols of the Season
Christianity is not an old Truth relearned, but a brand new Truth discovered; not a thousand years old, but just one minute old.
The Submissive Wife
During the Iowa debate, Fox News interrogator Byron York asked Michelle Bachmann to clarify her comments about Paul’s command in Ephesians 5:22, “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.” York asked, bluntly, “As president,…
The Mob Next Time
“God said a fire, not a flood next time… (from “Well. Well, Well,” Negro spiritual) I’m not Ann Coulter’s biggest fan. We are separated by 20 years of a kind of snark that doesn’t come easy to me. But she…