Planned Parenthood Draws Clear Line Between Pro-Choice and Pro-Abortion
Planned Parenthood is only in the middle of its Jump the Shark moment, as this story will keep getting bigger and bigger, thanks to hundreds of Americans like our JadedbyPolitics and .LadyImpactOhio, who won't...
Bart Simpson be Damned, Twitter be Double-damned
I started out with a piece on applying logic to fact-finding from a by-gone historian's persective and ended up with this. I thought it was an easy subject.
Bias can distort any opinion. But it...
How Things Work: The Law of Generations and the Children of the Rich
This series is a tip for any would be scholar out there who can labor through more than 500 words of analysis. I'm an analyst, not a scholar, and am only looking for leads...
Capitalism and Capitalists, Why we Sometimes Confuse Them
(If this seems dull and dreary, it's because it's the Introduction to a short monograph I'm preparing about the lack of effective funding on the Right to combat the Left. I had to write...
American Apologetics, Reverse Engineering History
God's fingerprints are all over America as it was founded. And other than the nastier DNA he'd injected into individual men thousands of years earlier, Satan was noticeable by his absence at America's founding. All...