2020 election, Dona;ld Trump

America’s Lost Army; People Who Don’t Read Media, 2020 Edition

(On October 26, 2016, I used this title for almost the same phenomenon.)

It’s that time again, four years later, for there are still more new voters to find in places the Democrat still don’t know exist any longer. Remember my “John Cleese Rule”: Their experts don’t know enough about modern voters to even know they don’t know.

The Democrat idea of the “electorate” is about 20% smaller than the true electorate for their vision of America is class based. For the last few election cycles, including 2016, voter turn-out ranges from 58% to 60%. That other “40%” represents a class of people that nothing to them, no more than serfs were to nobles in the middle ages. Oh, they may use them, sweeping them up in times of war, and strapping a leather bodice around their chest, giving them the a cheaply-wrought sword, and throwing them up against a walled city or massed army, sometimes just like their own. The nobility were all up on horses, and the cannon fodder’s purpose was to punch a hole in the enemy lines here, or there, that the horsemen could plough through. (I’m not surer when or if their families and towns were even notified of their passing, so insignificant was their lives.)

Democrats actually have their own cannon fodder, called Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and course, the ghetto gangs, going back decades, and they serve the same purpose, albeit through middlemen leaders.

They too are part of that 40%, as most of them won’t vote, usually for indolent, selfish reasons, or even register to vote…all of which is a bit too tiresome to take out of their busy day.

But those who are lost and are more likely to vote are the people described by Michael Moore in 2016, one of Donald Trump’s bitterest haters, but also most jealous and grudging admirers, for you see, Trump promised in 2016, then delivered (without much help from Congress) exactly what Moore had been advocating for years…only seeing himself as the Pied Piper for the common man, and his view of socialism, and not Trump’s free market capitalism. (“Workers of the world, unite!”) Moore is jealous, and possibly even self-reflective (if he’s genuinely honest) about his conflicted passion for the working man and what he believed to be, but now knows to be impossible, a socialist solution for their problems…for you see, Donald Trump, a self-made man in many respects, the world’s most successful “small” businessman, and no fan of modern business school models of the “organization man” approach to corporations and their management himself, may well redefine all of that for many years to come.

Given time.

So, no, much of Wall Street has an opinion of Donald Trump as they do Michael Moore…if they ever thought Moore to be a threat.

Listen to what America’s principal corporate fat-cat hater, Michael Moore, had to say about a 2016 Trump visit to Detroit, into the belly of the corporate beast. Trump went straight to their bottom line.

It’s not that President Trump needs to do anything different, just more of the same, just find more different people to promise, and then keep those promises. For there are millions more of them out there.

And Trump’s campaign knows it, for in the manner in which they gather information at each of his public events (I don’t think Dems ever did this, in this way, especially looking for the information Trump’s people seek), 1) they know how many are registered Democrats, up to 20% I’m told, and 2) they know how many haven’t voted in the last 2-3 even 4 elections, and 3) even those who had never bothered to register ever, which even among my generation, Baby Boomers, were as many as half in some locales. Too much of a bother…going to the court house. In the 1960s many were also called “draftees”. My sons, who were in college in the late 80’s–early 90’s, would confirm the same…that voting just wasn’t that big a deal, and only the “weenies” (their term, not mine) who were “political” on campus seemed to be the sort who could relied to vote regularly, but that is only if they could remember to apply for an absentee ballot, if in college, or to go by the precinct before work, or after, if they had a job, or was still living with Mom and Dad (or whoever.) Or to even remember to find out where the precinct ballot place even was. Never a big thing on their daily to-do list.

Then there’s this latest generation.

In the best of times, Americans neither read, watch or listen to national opinion news. They pick it up in saloons, in street-corner conversation, and these days, probably Facebook and Twitter. What they do read is Jack Reacher novels, the obits in their “Weekly Thunderstorm” newspaper, while they watch almost as many old episodes of “Laramie” and “Blue Bloods” as they do “Walking Dead”. With this in mind, their voting habits had been imbedded in both Democrat and Republican voting strategies since LBJ…only for different reasons, as we found out, when after 2012 it became obvious they were never interested in what Mitt Romney had on his mind, nor for that matter, Barack Obama, at least once the true costs of his Obamacare kicked in in 2013, or the indifferent manner of the Benghazi murders  kicked in same time frame.

As I wrote four years ago, Donald Trump didn’t find this lost army. They found him, because for a few years at least, they had been looking for a new kind of leader. (And a Hero, which has been long overdue in America.) While Trump has said and done a few bodacious things, according to the Press his voters don’t read, he mostly went to a lot of places Republicans hadn’t visited for 50 years at least, and spoke to people Republicans hadn’t spoken to in three generations. And he struck a chord.

Trump’s connection with the ordinary people is real….so real and so huge that is scares the bejezzus out of the Democrats, for these are the 40% of Americans they have relied on as being forever quiet…or when possible, easily bought. But even in the case of Black Americans, Trump has revealed the great lie of the Great Society, and whether Democrats like it or not, true integration, the kind Dr King dreamed of, will move forward in an orderly fashion, regaining all the lost ground stolen from African-Americans over 50 years ago,

Trust me on this account.


Short of armed revolt, and there will be some, I think, the last charge against Trump will be that he is a “populist”, which is historically defined as someone who speaks to the coarser side of humanity and bring out them the worst of human nature. I’ll do a short post before the election for their is a direct connection between the historic definition of “national hero” and “populist” which has generally been dismissed for over a century now. A healthy nation needs its heroes, and sometimes they need to go beyond mere Super Bowl rings and home run records.

In their waning days, and I believe these to the Democratic Party’s waning days, and along with their whole ideal of a nation run by an aristocratic bureaucracy, within a few short years, both Party and the ideas they stand on, will be no more.

That Lost Army has found Donald Trump, and it is time now for them to get their justice.


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